It started out as a calm and beautiful sunny day on the big lake about 30 miles from where we live. The lake itself is about 7 miles long so our trek was going to be about 2-3 hours. This was the first time our dog had come with us on a canoe trip. Both us and our ‘best friend’ were equally excited to get out on the water and get to our destination. We did a bit of research before-hand and purchased a brand new life vest for dogs. We weren’t really sure if our pup needed one as dogs are naturally good swimmer’s. But, we decided to buy one anyway just to be safe.
First of all, canoeing with a dog can be a challenge in itself but after 20-30 minutes into our trip, our puppy got used to the swaying feeling and up and down motion of the waves.

Our pup is comfortable yet blocked off from certain areas of the canoe to prevent her making any sudden movements that can throw us off balance
As Usual, The Weather Changes
A good hour into our trip a fast moving dark cloud comes rolling in over the lake. At this point, we were somewhere near the middle of the widest part of the lake. Perhaps, about 15-20 minutes paddle from the closest shore line. The waves picked up a bit and it started getting pretty windy. Of course, it was a massive headwind. We couldn’t gain any ground and turning 90 degrees to a shore line wasn’t an option as we would be side to side with the waves and likely flip over.

This was after we arrived. We made it! We setup a quick shelter in the rain and tried to dry off a bit.
At this point, I was pretty happy that we had a dog life jacket on our pup. Of course, we both had life jackets on as well. I wasn’t really happy that it was raining and windy and I had some electronic devices that weren’t in a water-tight floating barrel. Furthermore, we haven’t had any training on how to get back into a capsized canoe from the water. Let alone, trying that with a dog! No way. Our only option at that point was to just keep going straight, or turnaround completely and let the wind take us back.
We decided to keep going straight because we were still in pretty good control. There was also a nice landing that looked like it was close by but the wind wasn’t helping us too much. Either way, having that life vest for dogs was huge for our peace of mind. She would’ve likely been OK if anything happened. But, better safe than sorry especially with man’s best friend.
Securing The Dog Life Jacket On Your Pup
Once we got to our spot, the weather quickly cleared up. Everyone was very happy especially our four-legged friend. Of course, the first thing she wants to do is jump in the water and take a swim. No problem. We found that securing the dog life jacket should be something you should pay attention to first. Before we started our trip, we didn’t read how to secure it and loosely put it on her. It was secure enough, but could’ve been a little more snug.
When she jumped into the water she looked like she sank into the jacket since it wasn’t too snug around her body. So, the life jacket was floating, but, we realized she could eventually slip out of it. Before you head out, make sure to read the manufacturers instruction on how to properly secure it. Normally, there will be straps around the lower neck area and around the chest for adjustments. In wavier conditions, there is definitely a chance she could’ve slipped out.
Pro or Con? Your Dog Can Now Swim….. Forever!
This was a funny discovery once we hit land. We actually made it to an island in the middle of the lake that had a nice long beach. We let our dog off to run and swim freely. Lo and behold, a flock of quacking ducks comes in for a crash landing maybe 20 – 30 feet away from the island. Naturally, the hunter in our pup comes out in full force and she goes darting into the water at full throttle. At this time, she is still wearing her life vest for dogs.

This was the duck that started it all!
For whatever reason, the duck’s don’t seem to mind a dog swimming after them in the water. Every time our pup gets close to the ducks, they would quack at her, fly up another 10 feet and continue on with their merry day. Unfortunately, our dog didn’t want to listen to us and kept going after this pack of ducks. So, she has her life jacket on, she’s chasing (swimming) after these ducks and seemlingly, not getting very tired.
Eventually, after running around the shore of the island yelling at her she did come back to us. I suppose the ducks were getting too far and maybe she decided she missed us. Thankfully, she was wearing a life vest for dogs. If she wasn’t, i’m not sure how far she would’ve swam or how tired she would have become. I definitely can’t swim as fast as her!

After she was done chasing the ducks, and we were done chasing her, she managed to calm down and relax a bit
I suppose this could be a minor downside to dog life jackets ;). On the other hand, it is definitely a positive because one of the main reasons for dogs drowing is becoming completely exhausted in the water without being able to get out.
The Main Reason Dogs Drown and How To Prevent It
Dogs are basically like children when it comes to water. You want to keep watch over them just like you would your own child. They love to play and swim and in our experience, chase after ducks in the open water.
Specifically, with dogs, as we all know they can get a bit emotional. Panic can kick in to a dog just like in ourselves, which can eventually lead to a dangerous situation. Dogs can get exhausted swimming out in the open water as well. A strong current can make your dog tired. A pack of ducks your dog wants to chase can make your dog tired! Keep a close eye on your pup like they were your child.
Also, another reason dogs drown is because they can’t find a way out of the water. They probably found a pretty convenient way in, but when it comes to getting out, they may become exhausted trying. Having a life vest for dogs can help prevent accidents like this from ever happening. For tips on what to do if you encounter a dog drowning or in distress, check out this article from PetMD.
Our Picks For The Best Life Jacket For Dogs
When you’re out shopping for the best life vest for dogs, make sure to compare a few before making your pick. We’ve had the opportunity to try a few of these out. Generally speaking, find what’s best for your dog by looking at the weight requirements. Check if there are an appropriate number of straps for securing the jacket to your four legged friend. These are the top 5 best life vests for dogs:
1. Ruffwear – K-9 Float Coat for Dogs
Check Price On Amazon.comRuffwear brings us their new float coat for dogs. First of all, this is one of the most popular life vests for dogs on the market. With hundreds of positive reviews and an excellent rating, you will more than likely be satisifed with this dog life vest. Moreover, it is designed to snugly fit around your dogs chest and neck area.
They have actually padded the straps to give your dog a more comfortable fit. So, this will be more fitting and comfortable around your dogs chest and neck area.
Like most other dog life jackets, they have included a nice grab handle and leash clip for your convenience.
2. EzyDog Doggy Flotation Device
Check Price On Amazon.comFor your complete peace of mind, the EzyDog PFD for dogs (DFD) is definitely our pick for the best life jacet for dogs. The life vest for dogs is built with performance and high-quality in mind. They use a combination of high performance materials and techniques when constructing their life vests. This way, you can be assured that you have one of the best dog life jackets for your pup.
They’ve added about 50% more flotation material into this design as compared with other brands. This is good because you can rely on it to keep your dog floating in a dangerous situation. Moreover, they didn’t compromise on the comfort and fit so your dog should barely notice it has a life jacket on them.
We liked that it had an integrated handle for pulling your pup out of the water. Also, the material is very reflectve which is a nice bonus in case you’re in a low ligh situation out in the water. The EzyDog definitely get’s our pick for the best life vest for dogs.
3. Hero Dog Ristop Life Jacket Quick Release Swimming Vest
Check Price On Amazon.comWe had to put this one in here because we thought it is absolutely hilarious. Maybe if our dog had this one one she finally would’ve scared those ducks away. More on the novelty side of things, check this shark fin dog life jacket out from Hero Dog.
It comes with all the other great features of a typical life jacket and has a very intimidating shark fin! What better way to scare away other people from your spot than to let your shark dog strike fear into their hearts.
This dog life jacket also has a velcro closure in addition to 2 chest straps. There is also 3rd strap for the neck area. What sets this life vest for dogs apart is the obvisouly 1) the shark fin and 2) the quick release buckles for easy removal.
4. Vivaglory Dog Life Jacket
Check Price On Amazon.comLately we’ve been using the Vivaglory dog life jacket and have been pretty happy with it. We found the overall fit to be snug to our pup and she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. The nice thing about this Vivaglory dog life jacket is that it comes with a 90 day warranty. This way, you can make sure you are satisfied with it. If there is anything wrong you can contact the company to see how they will address it for you. Vivaglory also provides customer service around the clock which is nice.
I like the Vivaglory because it has a convenient leash ring on the top portion of the life jacket. Some other dog life jacket’s don’t actually come with this feature which I think is a complete oversight. We found that without it we had to keep our dog’s harness on underneath her jacket to attach her leash to. Furthermore, this created an extra layer of “stuff” between her body and the life jacket so she didn’t look too happy.
5. Paws Aboard R1400 Fido Pet Products Neoprene Doggy Life Jacket
Check Price On Amazon.comThe Paws Aboard life jacket for dogs is another great choice in this category. This one is on the more affordable side of the spectrum and comes in a bright, easy to see red color. Your pup will be highly vsible to you in all kinds of situations.
The fastening system is definitely considered “heavy duty” but designed with velcro. This can potentially make it more comfortable for dogs. Check for the right size and girth when picking out the best life jacket for dogs. There is a Neck and Body girth measurement that you should take to ensure proper fit. Also, there are different weight recomendations for each life jacket. So, be sure to pick the right weight for your dog.
Finally, this life jacket also comes with reflective strips. This gives you that extra little bit of visibility if there is a light reflecting off of your dog.
What To Look For When Selecting A Life Vest For Dogs
There are a few things to look for when selecting the right life vest for dogs. First, make sure to measure your dog’s girth around the neck and body area. This will ensure a snug and comfy fit for you pup. Next, you will want to determine the overall length of the dog life jacket. Usually these are fixed lengths for the other sizes, but sometimes you may need to level up or level down depending on the size and shape of your dog. Finally, take a look at the weight rating for that particular life jacket. If your dog weighs 45lbs — make sure to get a life jacket that supports your dog’s weight! Also, for the most part, we haven’t come across and life jackets that are approved by the USCG for dogs, as there are no official standards for dog life vests.
All of these things combined, size, length, girth and weight rating will give your pup a comfortable and safe life jacket you can rely on.
Conclusion About Life Vest’s For Dogs

Definitely a happy dog when on the boat!
In the end, picking the right life jacket for your pup shouldn’t be a difficult task. If you take in to account how well reviewed a life jacket is, making your decision should be easier. Once you have your measurements taken, go out and find the best life jacket for dogs. There are a good variety of choices to pick from to give your dog the best life vest possible. Remember to always stay safe on the water and most importantly, have fun with your dog! If you liked this article please share it!